Tuesday October 24th, 2023 Visit to the Bardo Museum by The WFTJW By Ali DABBAGHI in Museums Tag Fédération Internationale des Journalistes et Écrivains du Tourisme, Musée National du Bardo Visit to Bardo National Museum by the World Federation of Travel Journalists and Writers in the presence of Mr. Tijani Haddad President of the FIJET Tuesday, October 23, 2023. (more…)
Wednesday March 25th, 2020 Virgile : advancement of inventory work By Ali DABBAGHI in Museums Tag Statistiques, Virgile, فرجيل Sorry, this entry is only available in French. (more…)
Thursday January 2nd, 2020 (Français) Musée archéologique de Sousse By Ali DABBAGHI in Museums Tag Archaeological Museum of Sousse, Musée archéologique de Sousse, texte Mouna Hermassi, المتحف الأثري بسوسة, نص محبوبة اليحياوي Sorry, this entry is only available in Français and العربية. (more…)
Thursday December 26th, 2019 (Français) Musée National du Bardo By Ali DABBAGHI in Museums Tag Musée National du Bardo, National Bardo Museum, Texte de La bilingue dite de Massinissa D. R. Mansour Ghaki, texte Mouna Hermassi, Texte Préhistoire Dr. Nabiha Aouadi, المــــتحف الـــوطني ببـــاردو, نص ماقبل التاريخ للباحثة نبيهة عوادي, نص محبوبة اليحياوي Sorry, this entry is only available in Français and العربية. (more…)