The National Heritage Institute (INP) is a public administrative institution with legal personality and financial autonomy. It is under the Ministry of Culture. It is a scientific and technical institution responsible for establishing the inventory of cultural heritage, archaeological, historical, civilizational and artistic, of his study, his backup and its development.
Legal texts :
– Institut National du Patrimoine : décret N° 1609-1993 du 26 juillet 1993
– The Centres : décret N° 2369 – 1994 du 18 novembre 1994
– The National Map of archaeological sites and historical monuments : décret n°1443-1992 daté du 3 août 1992
To preserve, safeguard and restore archaeological sites, historic monuments and traditional urban ensembles.
To organize and undertake research, excavation, inventory and prospecting in the fields of archaeological, historical and civilizational heritage throughout the different periods.
Collecting traditional heritage and folk arts, showing their civilizational value, inventorying, studying and exhibiting them.
To undertake all the work of research, safeguarding, protection, restoration and exhibition of documents of historical, civilizational, scientific and artistic value (manuscripts and printed matter, audio-visual documents whatever their medium, artistic works whatever their materials, their execution techniques such as plastic arts, furniture…).
Create museums, safeguard their collections and promote exhibition methods.
Publish scientific and cultural studies and disseminate them.
Participate in the enhancement of the heritage and its promotion by all audio-visual
Direction for Programming, Cooperation and Publication
Is in charge of the following tasks:
Planning of the Institute’s projects and monitoring the development of their technical files.
Preparation of the programmes of activities relating to heritage, cooperation and training.
Publication of scientific and cultural studies relating to the heritage.
Management of the Institute’s specialized libraries and reorganization of the scientific and technical archives.
The Direction of Programming, Co-operation, Publication and Training includes :
The Sub-Direction for Programming and Co-operation composed of :
Programming Service.
Cooperation Service
The Publication and Training Branch, consisting of :
Publishing Department.
Training Department.
Division for the Safeguarding of Monuments and Sites
Division for the Safeguarding of Monuments and Sites Is in charge of the following tasks:
The mobilization of administrative, legal, scientific and technical means to preserve historic monuments and sites, traditional groups of buildings, archaeological and natural sites from any danger or threat.
The control of the works of preservation, protection, safeguard, restoration and development of the laws and administrative regulations in force in accordance with the principles, methods and procedures in use.
The study and development of restoration, renovation and enhancement techniques.
The participation in the elaboration of technical files relating to the legal protection, classification and general inventory of monuments.
Participation in the preparation of urban or territorial development plans and technical specifications in order to guarantee the safeguarding of monuments, historic towns, traditional groups of buildings and archaeological and natural sites.
Study of development work relating to the environment of historic monuments, traditional groups of buildings and cultural sites in collaboration with specialized structures and institutions.
The Division for the Protection of Monuments and Sites includes:
The Department of Ancient Monuments and Sites consisting of :
The department of pre-Roman monuments and sites.
The section of Romano-Byzantine monuments and sites.
The department of Islamic monuments and sites composed of :
The section of historical monuments and sites nearby.
The section of cultural sites, historical and traditional ensembles.
The section of safeguarded sites
The department of architecture, urban planning and classification is composed of :
The department of architecture and town planning.
The classification section.
The General Inventory and Researcher Division
Is in charge of the following tasks:
The establishment of the archaeological inventory and the census of movable and immovable cultural property of archaeological, historical, ethnographic and artistic value, and to classify all written or audio-visual documentation and to contribute to the rooting of national civilization and to fix the collective memory and perpetuate it.
The follow-up of archaeological research, the identification of objects unearthed and their study.
The study of popular arts and traditions with their material, oral, spiritual and moral components which have perpetuated the various models, settings and types of traditional daily life that have disappeared or are in danger of extinction.
The study of contemporary artistic creations as well as any written or audio-visual documentation of historical, aesthetic or technical value.
The elaboration of archaeological, historical or ethnographic studies for publication by the specialized service of the Institute.
The General Inventory and Researcher Division comprises :
The department of inventory and study of ancient civilizations composed of :
The Prehistoric Period section.
The section of the Libyco-Punic period.
The section of the Roman and Byzantine period.
The department of the inventory and study of the Islamic civilization composed of :
The section of the medieval period.
The section of the modern period.
The department of the inventory and study of ethnographic goods and contemporary arts composed of: The section of the medieval period:
The section of popular arts.
The section of contemporary arts.
The department of underwater archaeological studies.
The Museum Development Division
Is in charge of the following tasks:
The management of archaeological, historical, ethnographic, artistic and technical museums under the responsibility of the National Heritage Institute or under its control.
The acquisition of museum objects and collections.
The inventory and classification of the objects and collections exhibited or deposited in the museums’ reserves.
The inspection of the inventory registers of private objects and collections.
The preservation of movable property of a cultural, archaeological or ethnographic nature.
The study of museum exhibits and collections exhibited or deposited in museum reserves.
The management and development of museums.
The programming and organization of national and international exhibitions.
The division of museum development includes:
The Department of National Museums
The Department of Regional and Local Museums
The Department of Exhibitions and Museum Activities, composed of
The Museum Activities Section
The exhibitions section
The central laboratory for movable heritage
The General Secretariat
Is in charge of assisting the Managing Director in the management of the administrative and financial services, the legal and litigation department and the equipment and buildings department:
The administrative service: in charge of personnel management, the establishment of personnel regulations and the study of social cases relating to personnel.
The financial management department: responsible for the preparation and presentation of operating and equipment budgets, the commitment, liquidation and authorisation of all the Institute’s expenditure and the keeping of the related accounts, and the control of the evolution of the staff numbers fixed by the law on managers.
The Legal and Litigation Department: in charge of legal studies and the drafting of texts in collaboration with the departments concerned, the preparation, investigation and follow-up of the Institute’s contentious cases in liaison with the parties concerned.
The equipment and buildings department: responsible for the acquisition and repair of equipment, the upkeep and maintenance of the administration’s premises, the management of the car park and the management of the control of the depots, and the establishment and updating of the inventory of the Institute’s equipment.
Regional Inspections
The regional inspectorates report to the Director General. They are in charge of the following missions:
Ongoing observation and control of the state of the archaeological, historical and traditional heritage in each territorial district.
Control of monuments and historical and traditional sites and collections as well as museums and all matters relating to archaeological, historical and ethnographic heritage.
Follows up and collects information on discoveries relating to archaeology and properties of an archaeological nature .
Monitoring the implementation in the regions of decisions, programmes and works, and following up all work relating to archaeology in the region, as well as all tasks which the Director-General deems it useful to entrust to them.
The regional heritage inspectorate is made up of a territorial district comprising several governorates. There are six inspectorates, distributed as follows:
The North-East Regional Inspectorate, with its headquarters in Tunis, which includes the governorates of: Tunis, Ariana, Ben Arous, Zaghouan, Nabeul, Bizerte and Manouba.
The regional inspectorate of the Sahel, with its headquarters in Sousse, which includes the governorates of: Tunis, Ariana, Ben Arous, Zaghouan, Nabeul, Bizerte and Manouba: Sousse, Monastir and Mahdia.
The regional inspectorate of the North-West, based in Kef and comprising the governorates of Sousse, Monastir and Mahdia: Kef, Jendouba, Beja and Siliana.
The regional inspectorate of the Centre-West, having its headquarters in Kairouan and comprising the governorates of: Le Kef, Jendouba, Béja and Siliana: Kairouan, Sidi Bouzid and Kasserine.
The regional inspectorate of the South Sahel, with its headquarters in Sfax, which includes the governorates of Kairouan, Sidi Bouzid and Kasserine: Sfax, Gabès, Médenine and Tataouine.
The Regional Inspectorate of the South-West, having its headquarters in Gafsa and which includes the governorates of Sfax, Gabes, Medenine and Tataouine: Gafsa, Tozeur and Kebili.
The Regional Heritage Inspector resides in the territorial district where he is appointed.
The Centre for Heritage Sciences and Techniques
Is in charge of the following tasks:
The training of executives in the field of heritage sciences and techniques.
The implementation of programmes and pilot projects in the fields of heritage sciences and arts.
The Centre for Heritage Sciences and Techniques includes :
The executive training service
The Programming and Pilot Projects Department
National Laboratory for the Conservation and Restoration of Manuscripts
Is in charge of the following tasks:
The preservation and restoration of the national manuscript collection.
The application of modern scientific and technical methods used in this field.
The preparation and execution of studies and work relating to manuscripts.
The National Laboratory for the Preservation and Restoration of Manuscripts comprises :
The department of manuscript preservation.
The department of studies, restoration and conservation work
The National Calligraphy Centre
The National Centre for Calligraphy was created in 1994.
It is in charge of the following missions:
The training of specialists in Arabic calligraphy.
The preservation of styles and artistic forms used in Arabic calligraphy.
The promotion of writing styles in Tunisia in collaboration with similar institutions in the Arab and Islamic world.
The organization of training courses, meetings and seminars in the field of calligraphy.
The center opened its doors to the followers, amateurs and professionals of calligraphy in February 1998. Since then, it has organized numerous exhibitions, training sessions and workshops in the field of calligraphy.
Koufi, Neskhi, Rekaa, Thuluth, Diwani, Fersi and Magherbi are all styles of calligraphy taught during these training sessions conducted and animated by eminent trainers and calligraphers. The centre also organizes study days, conferences and meetings open to specialists and calligraphy amateurs alike.