Central Library
The central library of the I.N.P. offers its readers reference documentation in the field of archaeological, historical, ethnographic and museographic heritage.
Covering all periods, from prehistory to the contemporary period, the collection is composed of books, periodicals, conference proceedings, university works, proceedings of colloquia, exhibition catalogs, etc.
The library is open to researchers and academics.
Libraries Annexes
Library of the Bardo Museum: mosaic, sculpture and art.
Library of the Carthage Museum: ancient history and archaeology. (books and periodicals)
Kairouan Museum Library: Arab-Muslim civilization: architecture, urbanism, manuscripts.
Library of the Museum of Sfax (books and periodicals from prehistory to contemporary times).
Library of the Museum of Sousse (books and periodicals of Ancient History and Archaeology).
Bibliothèque du Cours de Tunis (specialized in heritage architecture).
The archives contain the administrative and scientific files relating to prestigious sites such as Carthage, Sbeïtla, Bulla-Regia, Gightis, Dougga, etc.
These include authorizations for excavations, programming, rescue excavations, site development, restoration work files, monographs, files on the classification of the Medinas: Tunis, Sfax, Sousse, Kairouan, etc..
The photographic archives contain a collection of about one hundred thousand pictures (100,000) which offer a rich documentation on Tunisian cities, historical monuments, sites and archaeological and ethnographic objects.
Visit of the Library
Available titles (in Consultation) : Books et Periodicals
Digital Library
Français : Splendeurs de dougga (Tunisie), de la cité royale à la colonie romaine
Lotfi Abdeljawad Kairouan : les sculpteurs, les ateliers de sculpture arabe
Samir Aounallah, l’antiquité tunisienne
Chroniques d’archéologie maghrébine
Inscriptions latines lapidaires du musée de sousse
La Tunisie au Patrimoine Mondial de l’Humanité
Carthage maîtresse de la méditerranée, Capitale de l’Afrique
Africa ATP : [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7][7-Art3] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
Africa Scientific Sessions : Série 2003; Série 2004; Série 2005
CEDAC : [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16-17][18][19][20][21][23]
Africa [1] [2] [3&4] [5&6] [7&8] [9] [10] [11&12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23][24][25][26]
Reppal [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7-8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
Africa Romana XXI
AAT : Archaeological Atlas of Tunisia at 1: 50,000
The National Map of Archaeological Sites and Monuments : Map 1/50 000
[005] [008] [016] [019] [027] [028] [029] [036] [043] [049] [050] [064] [067] [068] [072] [074] [112] [117] [147] [157] [158]
Archaeological Sites and Monuments : NoteBooks in arabic language : [005] [008] [049] [050] [064] [072] [074] [112] [147] [157] [158]
Digital Map : Digital NoteBooks
- Online Consultation : NoteBooks Tebourba 019 / Fernana 024 / Medjaz el beb 027 / Grombalia 029 / Nabeul 030 / Bouficha 036 / Enfidha 043 / Kairouan 063 / Koutine 169 / Ben Guerdene 182
- Download in pdf format
Tebourba 019 / Fernana 024 / Medjaz el beb 027 / Grombalia 029 / Nabeul 030 / Bouficha 036 / Enfidha 043 / Kairouan 063 /Metlaoui 125/ Koutine 169 / 180 Mednine /Ben Guerdene 182
The Sousse Archaeological Bulletin
Le Bulletin archéologique de Sousse , 1903-1904, 1905-1906, 1907-1908, 1925-1926, 1934
Prehistoric Atlas of Tunisia
Bizerte, Cap-Bon, El Jem, Gabès, Kairouan, La Goulette, Mahres, Maktar, Souk el Arba, Sousse, Tunis
The Byrsa NoteBooks
1951, 1952, 1953, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958-1959, 1960-1961
Archaeological Bulletin : [01] [02] [03] [04] [05] [06]
Roman Hydraulic Installations : V1; V2; V3; V4
Catalog of acquisitions 2023 : french – arabic
Catalog of acquisitions 2022 French
Catalog of acquisitions 2022 arabic
Catalog of acquisitions 2021 arabic
Catalog of acquisitions 2021 French
Catalog of acquisitions 2016 – 2020
Catalogue des acquisitions janvier 2018
Catalogue des acquisitions pour l’année 2017
– Catalogue des acquisitions 2000 -2015 Titres en latin
– Catalogue des acquisitions 2000 -2015 : Titres en arabe
– Sources
– Thèses et mémoires
– Cartes topographiques
Catalogue des acquisitions 2000 -2015
French : Catalogue 2010; Catalogue 2011; Catalogue 2012; Catalogue 2013; Catalogue 2014. acquisitions mai- juin 2014; acquisitions juillet – septembre 2014; acquisitions octobre – décembre 2014; acquisitions des mois : mars -octobre 2015
Arabic : Catalogue 2010; Catalogue 2011; Catalogue 2012; Catalogue 2013.
Acquisitions of 2015 : acquisition des mois de janvier, février et mars 2015;
Acquisitions of 2017 : Avril 2017
Periodics, In this Number
AFRICA : [18][19][20][21]
AFRICA ATP :[12][13][14][15]
AFRICA REPPAL :[11][12][13][14]