Restoration and enhancement studies

Restoration and enhancement studies

Suivi des études de restauration et valorisation

On Monday 27 January 2025, a working session was held at the headquarters of the National Heritage Institute under the supervision of the Director General, in the presence of representatives of the Saudi Fund for Development, representatives of the Ministry of the Economy and Planning, representatives of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and representatives of expert councils to monitor the progress of studies for the restoration and enhancement of the Zitouna Mosque and its immediate surroundings, the restoration and enhancement of the Great Mosque of Kairouan and its immediate surroundings and the project for the restoration and enhancement of the Fesqia al-Aghaliba and its immediate surroundings.

The representatives of the funders of two projects appreciated the efforts made to complete the studies, noting that all phases of the studies for the restoration and enhancement of the Fisqiyat al-Aghalba and its immediate surroundings have been completed and that work will begin soon.

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